Eye Exercise

Most of the eye problem is due to excess use of eye, wrong position use of eye, excess using of high frequency light like TV, Computer and mobile, Toxicity in diet, improper
 diet and High stress level. As our eye and mind are very closely related organ, what ever we see in nature is quickly reflected in our mind and what mind thinks the eye shows those things only. So when even a little bit of stress comes to our mind it quickly affects our eye muscles.

Glasses or spectacle restrict the movement of eyeballs that is Glasses or spectacle restrict the movement of eyeballs that is why the number increases when starts using them
We prescribe different type of eye exercise like sunning, palming, eyewash, Dark room, distance chart reading, ball exercise, steaming and cold pack etc. These exercises relax all the muscles of the eye, increase circulation to soften and maintain the proper shape of the eyeballs.

Darkness is very beneficial for eyesight. It activates the rod cells in our retina. That is the reason why people in the rural areas have very few eyesight problems as compared to urban population. Hence we prescribed different exercises to be done in the dark room.

The drugs for oral intake and for different eye treatments are selected through pulse diagnosis. Pulse diagnosis has a major role in selecting the eye exercises and pranayama’s.